
Keeping Faith & Family First at the Vibrant Home Life Summit

In the midst of our busy, technology-driven world, it can sometimes feel incredibly difficult to keep our faith and families centered on Christ. 

Our children are bombarded with conflicting messages about who they should be and how they should live. It’s a constant battle to nurture their spiritual growth and impart Biblical values.

Marriages struggle under the weight of financial stress, parental demands, and lack of quality time together. There just do not seem to be enough hours in the day for intentional faith-building as a couple.

Our own personal relationship with God often gets put on the backburner amid work, family life, and other obligations. Quiet time for prayer, study, and reflection feels like an impossible luxury. 

And as Christian parents, the task of providing an education that prepares our children spiritually, morally, and academically can feel totally overwhelming at times. We want to ground them in faith, but we also want them to thrive in the world. How do we find balance?

If you feel these struggles in your own family, you’re not alone. But the good news is there is hope, help, and community available… at the first-ever Vibrant Home Life Summit! https://vibranthomelife.thinkific.com/?ref=3ce48c

This is a free 5-day online event running from October 30 to November 3, 2023, where we are bringing together over 30 Christian speakers, pastors, authors, and parents to share practical wisdom, inspiration, and encouragement.

Here’s a quick look at what the Vibrant Home Life Summit will address:

  • Deepening your personal relationship with God through prayer, study, worship, and quiet time with Him. 
  • Bringing your faith into everyday life through how you interact with others 
  • Building stronger marriages centered on mutual love, commitment, faith in God, and Biblical principles 
  • Raising children who know and follow Jesus, even as our culture pulls them in other directions 
  • Providing a well-rounded homeschool education that helps our children grow academically, socially, morally, and spiritually

Over the course of 5 days, you’ll hear over 50 different workshops from our speakers as they share messages of truth, hope, and practical application on these vital topics. You’ll come away feeling refreshed, motivated, and better equipped to nurture the spiritual life of your family.

And the best part about the Vibrant Home Life Summit? Registration is 100% FREE! Just click here https://vibranthomelife.thinkific.com/?ref=3ce48c to grab your ticket and reserve your virtual seat today. 

In our chaotic world, it’s more important than ever to band together as believers and anchor our families firmly in faith. When we ground ourselves in the Word of God, everything else comes into perspective. That’s why I hope you’ll join me for the Vibrant Home Life Summit, as we support each other in keeping Jesus at the very center of our homes and families. 

It’s my prayer that this Summit will be an opportunity for you to gain fresh inspiration and motivation. I can’t wait to see your family there!


Ruth Adams

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