Legacy Homeschool Reflections Podcast 120: Creative Ways to Make Mother/Daughter Memories
Hello Friends! On episode 120 of “The Legacy Homeschool Reflections Podcast” we are talking about creating memories with our daughters. I am thankful to be the mother of five wonderful young ladies who range in age from five to nineteen. Over the years I have enjoyed creating special moments to connect to their hearts and encourage them in the Lord.
On this episode I share some of the things I have done to make special memories and share Biblical truths with my girls. I would also love to hear your ideas for special mother/daughter time.
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Thank you for listening and may the Lord be with you until we meet again!
Wow, Ruth! Your podcast on creating mother/daughter memories is inspiring. I love how you incorporate Biblical truths into these special moments. It’s so important to connect with our daughters and encourage them in the Lord. Thank you for sharing your ideas and I can’t wait to try them out with my own daughter! Keep up the amazing work!