Family Discipleship, Homeschooling, Life in Christ, Mothering

The Benefits of Scripture Memory

On today’s episode of the podcast I am talking with my friend Brittany Schlichter about her involvement with the National Bible Bee! I loved hearing Brittany’s testimony of how God has and still is using Scripture memory in her life.

Legacy Homeschool Reflections Podcast 94: Benefits of Scripture Memory

As a little girl I was encouraged to memorize Scripture, and those verses that I memorized as a child are still the ones that I can most easily recall. It has often been said that the minds of children are like little sponges. God created children with an amazing ability to memorize things, so our young people have a real opportunity to more easily memorize Scripture when they are young.

I think you will be inspired to hear Brittany’s story about all God has done in her life through memorizing many BOOKS of the Bible and through her participation in the National Bible Bee. Brittany testifies to the impact that God’s Word has made in her life, and I think you will be greatly encouraged!

I am including a link in this post where you can find out about the National Bible Bee competition. Whether or not you are interested in having your young people involved in the Bible Bee, I pray that this interview will encourage you to highly esteem the Word of God in your family. I know it has really been inspiring to me.

Thank you for listening to this podcast; I so appreciate you! I would love it if you would connect with me and let me know that you are listening. You can find me here:

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