Family Discipleship, Homeschooling, Life in Christ, Mothering, Uncategorized

Encouragements for a New Homeschool Year

Hello Friends! This year we graduated our second child from our homeschool. Two years ago we graduated our oldest child, so it feels like the domino effect has begun with launching our young people into adulthood. I stand in awe as I remember my own homeschool experience and process the fact that I now have two homeschool graduates. Together we stand as first and second generation homeschool graduates. We give praise to the Lord as it is all of Him and not of us.

Legacy Homeschool Reflections Podcast 151: Encouragement for a New Homeschool Year

On this episode of the podcast I take a look back and share some things that I think are so very important to the homeschooling journey. There are no perfect formulas, but the Lord will guide each of our families as we seek first His kingdom and His righteousness.

Thank you for listening and may the Lord be with you until we meet again.

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