Good morning, Friends! I hope that you Mamas had a blessed Mother’s Day yesterday. Our family went to church and then spent the rest of the day at our new house setting some things up. This move between houses is taking a lot of time, but we are making progress and excited over seeing this process eventually completed.
As we were loading the van yesterday, to drive back to our old house, my arms were loaded as I was trying to get myself and a lot of stuff into the passenger seat of the van. I had my phone in my hands and tragically set it in this little cubby on the van door. I knew I needed to quickly move it, but I just needed to set it there for a minute. At that same time a distraction came from a child in the back, so I turned around to see about that. At this very moment my dear husband came to close my door, because he is a gentleman like that. You should have heard the crack of the cell phone as it was split in half and the glass shattered. We both felt bad. I felt upset that I had put it in that cubby at all; I should have known better, and he felt bad that he shut the door. Of course we both feel bad that now we have to buy a new phone.
As we were driving home we passed a terrible accident above us on the freeway. Traffic was stalled, and we saw Life Flight flying away from the scene. At that moment we were reminded that our trials, such as a destroyed cell phone, are so trivial and small compared to something like this terrible wreck. It helped bring things into perspective.
After that we continued our hour long journey back to our old house, and some of our girls started singing some of their favorite Patch the Pirate songs which made my husband and I laugh. Some of the lyrics to some of his adventure songs are just full of wit and humor. I told the girls how thankful I was that they were singing, because it was cheering up my heart.
Now I need to take time to go get a new phone and hopefully restore my pictures from the old phone. That is my main concern. I have years of videos and pictures that I would be heartsick to lose. My husband was able to back up my phone to my laptop, so we think we will be ok.
Sometimes trials and frustrations come, but the Bible tells us to not be surprised by that. In today’s podcast I’m sharing on the topic of taking higher ground for the glory of God. Everyday we have choices as to the paths we will take, the priorities we will embrace, and the responses we will have to life circumstances. In all these things I hope that we will be encouraged to make choices that glorify Christ. This is not the way of the culture, but it is the way of the Lord. Our purpose is to bring Him glory. May you be encouraged and blessed today!