The Lord has done great things for us; we are glad. – Psalm 126:3
Friends, time is marching on so quickly, I cannot believe that we have already graduated our oldest from our homeschool! I also cannot believe that four decades have passed since my own parents began homeschooling me back in those pre-historic days of the homeschooling movement.
On this episode of the Legacy Homeschool Reflections Podcast I sit down at the microphone and chat with my daughter about her experiences being homeschooled and also share from my own experiences so long ago.
h In talking to Lauren it is interesting that we both appreciate some of the same things about being homeschooled even though we were home educated in two very different eras.
It is our hope that by listening you will be encouraged for a new homeschool year. Sometimes it is very helpful just to remember what our end goals are and why we have chosen home education in the first place.
To me home education is about so much more than academics; it is a beautiful opportunity to build relationships with our children and to disciple their hearts for Christ.
As you approach a new homeschool year I encourage you to remember to seek first kingdom priorities. We can trust that everything else (including acadmemics) will be added when we seek the Lord first.
But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added to you. – Matthew 6:33
For more homeschool encouragement I encourage you to check out my book Legacy Reflections of a Homeschooled Homeschooling Mama https://www.amazon.com/Legacy-Reflections-Homeschooled-Homeschooling-Mama/dp/1973737825
If this podcast has been an encouragement to you, would you consider leaving a star rating and review on iTunes? Each review makes the podcast more visible to other mamas, and it is my desire to spread the word so more moms will be encouraged. We really appreciate your help in this; thank you so much! Have a blessed week!
I remember those early days when homeschooling was pretty radical. My children went to Christian school for a number of years but we eventually homeschooled the younger ones. My children have all homeschooled for at least a portion of their children’s school careers. Two of them throughout. I think it is becoming even more important with public schools becoming so radically liberal.
Hi Donna! I love hearing stories like yours where your children have taken homeschooling into the next generation. It encourages my heart! Thank you for sharing!